X31 Technologies


Applying God-Given skills to today's ministry challenges


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Innovative solutions for today's challenges

The world is always changing. New challenges. New opportunities. We understand the challenges that many ministries face, and how to apply technology in innovative ways that are both effective and cost effective.

Without losing sight of the big picture

Your ministry exists for a reason. The methods and tools you use should never lose site of your calling.

Your Calling Matters

Custom Web Applications and Integrations

We have years of experience building web applications and integrating them with other systems. We understand the issues ministries face, and we understand how to apply Internet technologies to overcome today's challenges.

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Long Term Application Hosting and Support

We build it. We understand it. We host it. We support it. Don't put up with a company that sells you something and then disappears. We're with you for as long as you need us.

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